Why choose a parasol that lasts longer?
After thinking about it all winter long, you've finally decided. This year, you're going to make your garden furniture a priority in order to make the most of your sunny afternoons on your terrace. To do this, you start with the centerpiece of any deck, garden or patio : the umbrella.

Indeed, it's difficult to plan the layout of your outdoor space without having first settled the question of the parasol. Problem : your previous parasols never lasted long. If the canvas has faded over time or the frame has broken during a wind storm, you wonder why you should reinvest a few hundred euros in a new parasol if it's only going to fail you after 6 months.
What if we told you that a parasol designed to last really does exist? That's what we do at Belveo. We work every day to create the most resistant parasol that will last for years, at the best price. In addition to keeping your Belveo umbrella for many years, you'll save money from your wallet and you'll do less damage to the planet. Let us explain :
Choosing a parasol that lasts longer is a good economic investment.
You don't have to do any countings to realize that it's more interesting to buy a 300€ parasol that will support you over several years, rather than a 100€ parasol ready to be thrown away after the summer.
So why are our Belveo umbrellas more resistant and longer lasting ?
Our parasols are all equipped with a system that we have patented and that allows them to resist the wind. You won't find this innovation anywhere else but at Belveo, because we are the only ones developing it.
Our parasol canvases are interchangeable. In other words, you can buy your canvases individually and change the colors as you wish. We thought it was silly to reinvest in a whole umbrella in case the canvas faded after several seasons or if you wanted to give a different colorful atmosphere to your outdoor space.
In the end, by not having to buy a new umbrella every season, your Belveo umbrella will make you save money.